Friday, July 2, 2010

Emergency Temporary Parcel Tax Proposed

Nearly $400 million in budget cuts have been imposed on San Diego Unified over the last three years. The district’s projected budget deficit in 2011-12 is $127 million. In response to this unprecedented budget crisis, and in order to maintain educational programs and reasonable class sizes, it is critical that the district explore all available revenue sources.

For that reason, the district is proposing an Emergency Temporary Parcel Tax measure on the ballot Nov. 8, 2010. A parcel tax is the only local funding option available to school districts to provide funds for operational purposes.

The Emergency Temporary Parcel Tax would be for a limit of five years, truly a temporary measure. All funds generated would be used locally for specific educational purposes and programs outlined in the measure. As proposed, the measure would generate an estimated $58 million annually for the district. District charter schools would receive a proportionate share of the parcel tax.

A public hearing on the parcel tax proposal will be held at the Board of Education meeting on July 13, no earlier than 5 p.m. For complete information, please visit