Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PB Middle Tree-Planting Honors 9-11 Memories

Pacific Beach Middle School students, staff and heroes Pacific Beach Middle School students, staff and local heroes.
Members of San Diego Fire Department's Station Station 21 were greeted by students with flowers and fresh tomatoes from the school's garden as the campus had a ceremony planting a tree to honor sacrifices by first-responders and military personal, along with the memory of the 9-11-2001 tragedy.

The students recognized the firefighters for their daily service to the community and military personnel's service to the nation in planting the tree in the school's Waves of Green student garden. As part of learning about the tragedy of Sept. 11, the students created displays about the local firefighters and service men and women, as well as 9-11. These were also presented to the honored guests.

For more information, contact Julie Martel, principal, at