Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vote through Friday for your school's volunteer

Voting has been extended to through this Friday, May 24, in a contest that many San Diego Unified schools, and other schools across the county, are participating in, the Farmers Market School Volunteer of the Year award.

Volunteer Award To vote for your favorite school's favorite volunteer, go to and vote for two candidates. Among the San Diego Unified schools participating are: Alcott, Angier, Carver, Cherokee Point, Chollas-Mead, Curie, EB Scripps, Franklin, Gage, Dewey and Kimbrough elementary schools. Bell, Challenger, Dana, Mann and Standley are among the middle schools participating. The high school list includes University City, Madison and Morse.

The Grand Prize Winner’s school will receive a $5,000 donation in the winner’s name from DonorNation. In addition, the winner will also receive $100 in groceries per week for 52 weeks from Sprouts Farmers Market. The First Runner-up’s school will receive, in the winner’s name, a $2,500 donation from DonorNation. Additionally, the winner will receive $100 per week for 26 weeks from Sprouts Farmers Market. The Second Runner-up’s school will receive, in the winner’s name, a $1,500 donation from DonorNation. Additionally, the winner will receive from $100 per week in groceries for 13 weeks Sprouts Farmers Market.

After the public voting phase ends, a Selection Committee consisting of prominent San Diego residents, will review the field of submissions and identify a Grand Prize Winner, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up. We will be announcing the names of the Selection Committee later this month.

Good luck to all the volunteers and schools!