Free Tdap shots will be available to San Diego Unified School District
students needing them from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Monday, Aug. 19, at
Madison High School, Room 103, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). Room 103 is
located across from the main parking lot.
Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to receive the free Tdap booster at the clinic.
law requires that all students going into seventh grade be immunized
with a pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine booster called Tdap. Schools
must receive proof of the Tdap booster before the student can attend
class in the fall unless they have a documented exemption. In addition,
any student transferring into grades 8-12 will also need to show proof
of Tdap booster given after the age of 7 years.
Parents, if your child received the Tdap booster over the summer, email the information to Adrienne Lenhoff at