Thursday, July 14, 2011

Crawford’s Dismantled Car a Hit at Fair

When you drive that great looking new car out of the showroom and you're enjoying the new car smell and performance, have you ever asked yourself, "Gee, I wonder how many parts this car has?"

More than 100 students in the Crawford IDEA High School Automotive Technology class can answer that question. On average, there are more than 30,000 parts in an automobile! They know this because they completely dissembled a vehicle for a display at the recently ended San Diego County Fair.

It took about three weeks for the classes to completely disassemble a donated 2000 Nissan Maxima. From the smallest nut and bolt, to the transmission, air bags and fuel pump, all parts were on display. The students found the experience to be very informative, and yes, even fun!

For more information, please contact Greg Quirin, CCTE program specialist, at .