Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ericson Elementary Students Get Sponsored Bus to Junior Theater

Ericson says thanks
Ericson students say thanks for the bus.

Students and staff at Ericson Elementary School in Mira Mesa are thanking local financial planner Shon Brooks, who recently funded two buses so 144 students, teachers and aides could see A Year with Frog and Toad at the San Diego Junior Theater.

Brooks and his firm, Brooks Financial and Entertainment Consultants, have started the "Sponsor a Bus" program, which can help pay for transportation on field trips, something difficult for schools to do with today's budget constraints. They're also involved in a financial literacy program that helps students learn money management.

"Helping students experience and enjoy educational and inspiring field trips such as this is the whole idea behind the 'Sponsor A Bus' program," said Brooks.
Contact Brooks through his website,