Friday, October 28, 2011

Chinese Dancers Perform at Barnard Elementary

Kung fu demonstration
Was it ancient China or the auditorium at Barnard Chinese Magnet School? That’s what students, parents, staff and visitors were asking during a performance by a visiting troupe from the Zhejiang University of Media and Communications.

The elaborate show, excerpts from the traditional Chinese opera “Eastern Rhyme of Passion,” was the Zhejiang perfomers’ first stop on their US tour. It included elaborate, traditional costumes, kung fu and music with traditional Chinese instruments, including the koto, sheng and two-stringed Chinese fiddle or erhu.

“It was an amazing event for all of us at Barnard,” said Eddie Park, Barnard principal. “The performance was something rarely seen in the US, plus our students were able to learn from the actors.”

All of the performers are teachers at the university and were able to share their specialties with the Barnard students. For example, students participated in demonstrations of kung fu and were able to see how many of the unique instruments are played.

Barnard students learn
from Chinese musician.
Following the long flight from China, the players from Zhejian University, which is in the city of Hangzhou near Shanghai in China’s southeastern section, performed at Barnard. Later that evening, they performed at Pt. Loma High, which also offers Chinese Mandarin language classes.

“We want to thank our partners in education, the Confucius Institute at San Diego State University and managing director Dr. Lily Cheng, for arraigning the group to be able to perform for our community,” said Park. “Thank you and Xie Xie!”

For more information on the Barnard Mandarin Chinese program, contact Park at (619) 224-3306.