Saturday, June 9, 2012

Adams Elementary Hosts New SDSU President

Dr. Elliot Hirshmann, president of San Diego State University, recently hosted the Parent Institute for Quality Education graduation ceremony at Adams Elementary School in Normal Heights.

The Institute's Parent Engagement Education program is a nine-week class for parents and guardians that helps them foster a positive educational environment for kids at home and at school.

Adams Principal Derek Murchison said the campus was thrilled to have Dr. Hirshmann visit and meet the school's parents.

"We work on encouraging our students to go from Adams to Aztecs," said Murchison. "Dr. Hirshmann shared some wonderful stories about the importance of parent involvement.

"He encouraged all of our students to work hard so they can attend the college of their choice."

The Parent Engagement program gives parents tips such as setting up a study location for their kids, setting a specific time for study and homework and creating an open dialogue with their children.

For more information, contact Murchison at 619-284-1158.