Wednesday, June 6, 2012

De Portola Orchestra Gives Sharp Performance

De Portola Orchestra De Portola Middle School's Advanced Chamber Orchestra received a "Unanimous Superior" from judges at the recent Southern California School Band and Orchestra Music Festival.

"This was an outstanding performance by our musicians," said Brad Pulverenti, De Portola's music director. "These festivals give our students a chance to perform before some of the best music teachers and orchestra leaders in the region.

"These judges were very impressed with our musicians."

"We are incredibly proud of the many hours of hard work that the student musicians and their director, Mr. Pulverenti, put in to achieving this milestone," said Elizabeth Gillingham, De Portola principal.

The festivals challenge students by giving a new piece of music to perform within a few hours at the festival.

"It really shows that we have true musicians when our students can pick up a piece of music, read it and perform it," said Pulverenti.

This was the first time in the school’s history that an instrumental ensemble achieved the highest score at such a rigorous music festival. The Chamber Orchestra was judged on their performance of three pieces in front of a group of adjudicators: "Earle of Oxford’s Marche" by William Byrd/arr. Hoffman; "The Ash Grove" arranged by Michael Hopkins; and C. B. Kreichbaum, Jr.'s "Petite Tango." They also performed an "on-the-spot" sight-reading performance of an additional music work and earned a “Superior” rating during that session, as well.

The other instrumental ensembles did quite well at their respective festivals, too. Their scores are:
  • Symphonic (Advanced) Band, Perf. = Excellent (2-2-2); Sight-reading = Superior (1)String (Beg./Int.)
  • Orchestra: Perf. = Excellent (2-2-2); Sight-reading = Superior (1)Concert (Beg./Int.) Band: Perf. = Good (2-3-3); Sight-reading = Superior (1)
All of the ensembles received a "Superior" in sight-reading.

For more information on the program, contact Pulverenti at 858-496-8080.