Saturday, January 30, 2010

Priority-Based Budget Process

Since the Board of Education meeting on Jan. 12, district staff has been hard at work developing a budget plan based on the following six priorities selected by the Board:

* Maintain Current Class-size
* Provide a Safe & Supportive Environment
* Provide a 21st Century Learning Environment
* Promote Diversity, Integration and Choice
* Provide a Broad-based Curriculum
* Raise the Achievement Level of All Students

In order to develop a the budget that is based on these priorities, six teams were organized to examine every budget category and department in the district. Three teams evaluated department budgets from the perspective of what was required for “minimal” operations. Three other teams looked at two of the priorities and evaluated budgets to make recommendations on how best to reflect the Board priorities with budget allocations.

This process could also be called “broad-involvement” budgeting. Over the past two weeks, the teams have dedicated numerous hours to meetings, seeking input from representatives of all departments, and holding briefings with community and labor organization representatives. The recommendations of the teams are currently being analyzed by the Finance Department and will be presented, along with the Interim Superintendent’s recommendations, at the Board’s next budget workshop on Feb. 9.

With an estimated 2010/11 budget deficit of more than $80 million, the Board once again faces very difficult budget decisions. School communities are encouraged to provide input and suggestions to the Board members as they continue their budget deliberations. The district continues to advocate in Sacramento for additional education funding and negotiate with our labor organizations about how we can develop a shared solution for a balanced budget.

The public is encouraged to attend the budget workshop on Feb. 9, at 5 p.m., at the Education Center. You can stay up-to-date with our budget challenges by visiting our website at

For more district news, subscribe to the Superintendent's Friday Notes.