Adams Elementary School second-graders recently gave Phil Blair, United Way of San Diego board member, the rock-star treatment when he read in their Normal Heights classroom.The seven-year-olds are featured in a video starring Blair that shows him feeling like a “celebrity” when he volunteers to read to kids.
Principal Derek Murchison was on hand to make sure students were on their best behavior but he needn’t have bothered. Teacher Adam Gray had only to say “back to work” between takes, and his students were nose to books.
The video was part of the United Way's Volunteer for Education program.
"Volunteers make a huge difference,” said Murchison, adding that he hopes the video gets even more volunteers tutoring, mentoring and reading to children.
"The experience motivated and inspired the children," he said, "and “let these students know that they are amazing and that a lot of people truly care about them.”
The United Way staff was very grateful to Principal Murchison, Mr. Gray and the Adams students for allowing them to film the video in their classroom, calling the students the real rock stars of the video production. To learn more about how you can Volunteer for Education, go to the United Way of San Diego County website.