Rest assured that the halls and grounds at John Muir are safe and stylish with the Peace Patrol on duty. Peace Patrol students are sporting new uniforms - hats, lanyards and matching shirts - thanks to a generous donation by Magic 92.5’s Jagger and Kristi.
A testament to the old adage, “It never hurts to ask,” the Peace Patrol received their new swag after one student’s mother, Asia Martinez, wrote in to Jagger and Kristi during their Christmas Wishes season asking if they would help the Patrol reach its goal of $700 to purchase hats and lanyards.
The radio station went a step further, inviting Martinez and Peace Patrol advisor Barbara Waller on the show and surprising them with a $1,350 donation to purchase not only hats and lanyards, but shirts as well.
Waller has since returned to the show to talk about the Peace Patrol program and give an update on the uniforms.
Jagger and Kristi visited John Muir on Thursday, March 5 as guest readers for the school's celebration of Read Across America, an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading.
Founded in the fall of 2011, each recess the Peace Patrol assists students with social issues and promotes good character skills by handing out stickers, pencils, bracelets and bookmarks. Peace Patrol students also participate in several service projects each year.
Last year the students raised enough funds to purchase and decorate a Buddy Bench for the John Muir playground.
Each spring, Peace Patrol members recruit students who will be entering 4th, 5th or 6th grade to apply to be in Peace Patrol. To complete the process, students must fill out an application form and submit a teacher recommendation.