Monday, April 19, 2010

Bill to End Class Size Penalties Goes to a Vote

San Diego Unified has been working with Assembly Members Marty Block (D-78) and Nathan Fletcher (R-75) to introduce Assembly Bill 2272.This legislation rolls back counterproductive penalties for districts that prioritize small class sizes but are still forced to increase them because of severe state budget cuts. With AB 2272, the district would be able to keep an additional $20 million for our classrooms over the next two years. The Assembly Committee on Education will vote on the bill this Wednesday, April 21. Parents, teachers, and community members are encouraged to have their voices heard on this issue by contacting Marty Block at and Nathan Fletcher at, and calling the committee chair and vice chair at (916) 319-2041 and (916) 319-2064 respectively. For more information, please contact Bernie Rhinerson at (619) 725-5578 or