Last Sunday’s 7.2 earthquake in Baja California was a jolting reminder of the importance of earthquake preparedness. Although district schools and offices were closed at the time of the tremor, it’s important to note that all district schools and sites have comprehensive disaster plans in place and are prepared should an earthquake or other disaster strike during school hours. Schools routinely conduct practice emergency drills, including earthquake and fire. For the past two years, San Diego Unified has participated in the Great California ShakeOut, a statewide disaster exercise that involved more than 7 million participants.
Student and adult safety is a top priority at San Diego Unified and being prepared is the first step to ensuring everyone’s safety. In addition to being prepared at school and work, it’s important for families to have their own earthquake preparedness plan. For information on how to prepare your family for a possible earthquake, please visit the County of San Diego Earthquake Facts and Preparedness website. For information on school disaster preparedness, please contact School Police Lt. Rueben Littlejohn at