Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kearny SCT MESA Students Bring Home Awards

kearnyStudents from Kearny Science, Connections  and Technology competed and placed in the Southern California Math Engineering and Science Achievement Regional Finals at UC Irvine.

Edith Hernandez placed 2nd in the Speak Easy competition where she had to research, study and speak on randomly selected science topics. Arrison Tampoc, Russel Kuoch, and Roland Kong placed 2nd in the Team Math Quest, a group math test competition including level 2 Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus.  Jonathon Truong and Russel Kuoch placed 3rd in the Mousetrap Car Design and Build Competition – Accuracy while teammates Ann Sediego and Stacy Perkins also placed 3rd in the same competition, but in the Power category.

The MESA program at Kearny SCT is a partnership with the College of Engineering at San Diego State University.  The SDSU College of Engineering's MESA Schools Program works with local middle and high schools to provide and promote after-school pre-engineering activities and class period electives.

The program's goal is to encourage students to pursue educational careers in engineering, math, and science through fun, hands-on projects and other college awareness activities that promote science, technology, engineering and math college and career options. Many companies work with by providing equipment, technical resources, internships and volunteers.  For more information, contact Phil Etson at