Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lincoln High Students Visit U.S. District Court

Judges at Federal CourtDuring a day in federal court in San Diego, students from Lincoln High School met with a judge, a court reporter, U.S. marshal and other professionals, as well as held a mock trial.

Part of the "Open Doors to Court" program, the visitors to the U.S. District Court for Southern California and District Judge John A. Houston were learning about what goes on in the court.

The day included presentations from Judge Houston, the court
reporter, a U.S. marshal, a U.S. attorney, a public defender, a court interpreter, a courtroom deputy, pre-trial services members, a clerk and an IT specialist. A mock trial was held, with students taking on the roles of the judge, the U.S. attorney, the public defender, the clerk, the bailiff, various witnesses, jury members and the defendant.  The mock trial was about the illegal downloading and selling of music.

The experience ended with a presentation on credit abuse and the impact bad credit (misusing a credit card, unpaid bills, checks bouncing, etc.) has on your credit rating, getting a job, renting an apartment, getting a loan, etc.

For more information, please contact Ray Beattie, College, Career and Technical Education teacher, at