San Diego's Board of Education has submitted a $1.18 billion budget for the 2009-10 school year, as required by state law, on June 30.
The following reductions and reorganizations were approved by the Board for the 2009-10 school year.
-- Shift Cost of Professional Development From Unrestricted To Title II, $2,500,000
-- Special Education Staff Reductions (53.425 FTE), $2,616,350
-- GATE Program Staff Reductions (1 FTE), $96,262
-- Eliminate 9th Class Size Reduction (47 FTE), $3,941,263
-- Eliminate K-2 Class Size Reduction of 15:1 for 29 schools (includes prep time 105 FTE), $8,120,000
-- Eliminate 8 World Language Teachers, $664,000
-- Increase Gate Seminar Program Teacher Ratio From 23:1 to 25:1 (4 FTE), $330,108
-- Increase Class Size K-3 from 20 to 24 (316 FTE) Planning Time Teachers (24 FTE), $14,577,124
-- Eliminate Grant K-8 Magnet Funds, $198,000
-- Increase Lunch Prices by $0.25 (Increase in Revenue), $625,000
-- Landscaping (reduced by 8 positions, currently vacant), $430,256
-- Increase Minimum Bus Rider Number From 8 to 15, $4,238,000
-- Reduce Supplies By 25% at School Sites, $1,500,000
-- Reduce Vice Principals by 30 FTE, $3,360,000
-- Year 2 IDEA, $7,025,000
-- Textbook Adoption and Replacement, $6,500,000
-- School Library allocations that would fund: .5 librarian and .5 library tech at each high school and middle school; .5 librarian and .5 library tech at each atypical school; and .5 library assistant at each elementary school, $2,475,000
-- Merging distribution and warehouse services (Food Services/Warehouse, 18 FTE, $1,100,000
Go to the Budget website for more information.