Friday, May 2, 2014

Zamorano Academy hosts art teachers from around nation

Teachers from around the nation paid a recent visit to the Zamorano Fine Arts Academy to see how the acclaimed magnet program operates.
Teachers observing
The National Art Education Association's recent San Diego convention included tours of the South Bay Terraces campus, where the 25 visitors met with the school's five arts teachers, learning about the school's unique arts instruction and public art program. The hosts were Vice Principal Don Nitzel and art teacher Don Masse.

"We hosted 25 art educators from around the country on Friday, March 28," said Masse. "Discussions were had about how the our program is linking arts instruction with the common core standards for each grade level, how we are able to sustain our program with the help of our PTF, and the crucial support we receive from our administration for the arts."

Attendees also went on a walking tour of the public arts projects that have been created on site that are done to build a sense of school and individual pride, as well as to beautify our Zamorano campus.

To find out more, contact Masse at