Friday, August 28, 2009

New Work Permits Needed for School Year

As the 2009-2010 school year begins, working minors and their
employers are reminded of the state law that requires any employee less than
18 years of age who has not graduated from high school or passed the
California High School Proficiency Examination to have a Permit to Employ
and Work.

Minors are responsible for obtaining this work permit application and
employers are required to terminate the employment for any minor for whom
they do not have an active work permit.

Minors who have graduated from high school or passed the California
proficiency exam may give a copy of their high school diploma or proficiency
exam certificate to their employer in lieu of a work permit. Minors who have
not fulfilled one of these requirements must be enrolled in school in order
to have a work permit application processed. A passing score on the
California High School Exit Exam (CAHEE) does not exempt minors from work
permit requirements.

All current work permits expire on September 15, following the start of the
new school year on September 8. The expiration date is indicated on all

Students may obtain application forms, or get information about work permits
and child labor laws, at any high school, or contact the district’s work
permit office at (858) 627-7355, or see the website at