Friday, January 21, 2011

Hoover Students Helping Fix the Digital Divide

Hoover High students in the Academy of Information Technology, a computer-science focused academic program, have landed a great internship.

Students Raul Boeta, grade 11, and seniors Sam Le and Jeffries Tong are working with the San Diego Futures Foundation using their high-tech expertise to restore donated computers to top- running condition.

Their newly refurbished computers are in turn donated to families and area non-profit organizations. Really increasing the value of the computers, the recipients receive fast internet service donated by Cox Communications and the Futures Foundation.

The internship is proving even more rewarding by putting the power of internet technology into the hands of those without access. Hoover's interns will receive one of their own refurbished desktop computers for free, after completing 50 hours of work. For more information, please contact Angie Kania, director AOIT, at