Sunday, May 1, 2011

National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 1-7

Teacher Day
San Diego Unified joins districts across the nation in celebrating National Teacher Appreciation week, May 1-7, and National Teacher Day on May 3. The week helps draw attention to the important role teachers play in making sure every child receives a quality public education. While it takes a lot of people to make a school successful, National Teacher Day recognizes the special contributions that teachers make to ensure that schools are great places for students to succeed in life.

At a time of monumental cuts to public education funding, it's more important than ever to take the opportunity to honor our more than 6,700 teachers and thank them for the lasting contributions they make to our lives and the lives of our children. THANK YOU for your dedication!

This year, consider thanking a teacher by contacting your state legislators to express your concerns about further cuts to public education. Visit for more information.