Wednesday, May 18, 2011

School Lunch Superheroes Save the World from Junk Food

Vitamin AvengerThe Food Service Department's ninth annual essay contest resulted in the creation of School Lunch Superheroes with amazing powers who saved students, families and the world from all manner of junk food, sugary sweets and poor food choices.

Students were asked to create their own School Lunch Superheroes and describe their powers and write a story about them using their powers to encourage healthy eating and making good choices.

More than 750 students submitted essays and poems that were very imaginative, fun to read, colorful and full of graphic descriptions of ways to get junk food way down on the list of preferred foods.

The essay contest is sponsored by SeaWorld Adventure Park and the Pacific Northwest Canned Pear Service. Winners received gift cards to Barnes and Noble, tickets to SeaWorld, backpacks and artist supplies.

Go to the Food Services website to see the list of winners and read their essays and poems. Congratulations to the winners and all of the students who entered.

For information contact Joanne Tucker, food services marketing coordinator at or (858) 627-7316.