Thursday, May 26, 2011

Twain Students Build Computers for Green

In an outstanding example of students helping students, Twain High School Technology Support Services (Morse satellite) students have built, installed and networked computers for the Resource Room at Green Elementary Academics and Athletics Magnet School.

While they're in the Resource Room, the special education students are now able to access programs their general education classroom and have better access to specific software programs from the school's Special Education Department staff.
Antonio Rojas and Mr. Robinson brought over the computers from Twain High School (Morse Satellite) and spent their afternoon installing them. In addition, they customized the computers with the District site and tabs for frequently-used programs that help them get started learning immediately.

Twain students building these computers have helped Green better support more than 30 students with special needs. This collaboration between Twain and Green is a wonderful example of how schools can support one another to achieve success.
For more information, contact Cesar Alcantar, principal, Twain High School, at (858) 496-8260.