Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kearny Komets Go “Krazy” for Farm to School Salad Bar

Farm to schoolCries of "wow" and "yum" greeted the all-organic, locally-grown items that appeared this week on the lunchtime salad bar at the Kearny High Educational Complex. Students and staff got a preview of the future as the district's new Farm to School Program gave the students -- and 4SD reporter Jack Gates -- a taste of what's to come, with locally grown green-leaf lettuce, watermelon, radishes, cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, strawberries and oranges as part of the selections. The formal rollout of the program begins next month when Valencia oranges, grown in San Diego County at Bonsall's Stehly Farms, will be on all salad bars. Ultimately, a quarter of all menu items will be locally produced. Farm to School is funded through a grant from the US Centers for Disease Control to improve the health and physical fitness of students. The 4SD story was shown Monday, Sept. 20. For more information, please go to the Farm To School website or contact Vanessa Zajfen, farm-to-school specialist, at or (858) 627-7310.