The Masons of California have continued their support of public education in San Diego, presenting San Diego
Unified a check for $141,000 at this year's celebration held at Rowan
Elementary School.
donation will support teachers and students in San Diego public schools
and provide funding for the fraternal organization's statewide public
education initiatives: Raising A Reader and Investment in Success
Scholarship Program.
These funds from the are used for the Raising
a Reader program in kindergarten and first grade classrooms at Central,
Cherokee Point, Franklin, Joyner, Normal Heights, and Rowan elementary
The Masons of California and Raising A Reader have
brought the nationally-acclaimed literacy program to children in
elementary schools throughout California. The Masons also circulate
children’s books to homes, engage families in shared reading of those
books, and help thousands of children develop reading readiness skills.
Investment in Success Scholarship program helps students with
extraordinary potential and strength of character some extra support to
attain a higher education.
Attending the event were John R.
Heisner, Junior Grand Warden of the Masons of California, San Diego
Unified Superintendent Cindy Marten, and Kim Kossyta, Rowan Elementary
School Principal.
For more information, visit the Masons of California website at