Dear San Diego Unified Community:
recent months, students, parents,employees, and community members have
provided valuable input and feedback in our mission to accomplish our
Vision 2020. We have come together to discuss what we believe is
working, what we feel should be improved and how we will work together
to accomplish the implementation of our vision, all with the common goal
of creating quality schools in every neighborhood. We have heard from
hundreds of you, our stakeholders, and I personally am appreciative,
honored and energized by your commitment to our students and our schools
that this input demonstrates.
The feedback collected is now being used to shape the draft of our
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), our 2014-15 and beyond
budget solutions, our legislative priorities and our collective
bargaining proposals with employee groups. Several of those proposals
will be considered by the Board next week.
The district’s focus in the development of the initial collective
bargaining proposals is to continue to implement our Vision 2020,
support student learning and propel our path towards quality schools in
every neighborhood.
At the Board meeting on April 29, you will have the opportunity to
provide further input into the district's initial collective bargaining
proposals. (To read the proposals, check the April 29 Agenda, which will
be posted
at 5 p.m. Friday, April 25.) These negotiations provide an opportunity for the
district and the employee organizations to come together in an
environment of mutual respect, collegiality, and a focus towards
developing a world-class school system for all of our students. We look
forward to substantive discussions at the bargaining table with our
employee organizations, who we value as important partners in our shared
efforts to serve all students.
Cindy Marten
Work Hard. Be Kind. Dream Big! No Excuses.